Half the time their "free" servers are offline. Use Browsec vpn much better, fewere ips but much more stable. Went from great over that time period to a slow, cumbersome, unreliable insecure piece of cr*p. How do you take a very good free vpn and degrade it to just another piece of junk "free" vpn? Ask the admins at adguard vpn. I have no commercial interest in this review. I guess the traffic got too much for them to cope with. Sometimes they cannot tell if you're a new user or already signed up. I see they finallly fixed most of their dns leaks that gave away your home IP, but I don't want to wait to finish my cup of coffee to connect to one of their sometimes working, slow as molasses in jan servers. Adguard has lots of Ips but very few are free and even fewer are working. Browsec is a much better free vpn but has only like 5 ips. I think they got too big for their britches. Frequent problems connecting to the ones very few ones that are still online. Most all free ip are reported by the site to be "offline". Update: 2-18-23: Hasn't gotten any better.